
Urodynamics is a study that assesses how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine.  Similar to a “stress test” for the bladder which helps the Urologist understand how well your bladder works.  It is a simple diagnostic test which is painless, requires no sedation, and takes about an hour to complete.  The urodynamic evaluation is tailored to answer specific questions about the function of the bladder, urethra, and muscles of the pelvic floor, as it examines the storage and emptying capabilities of the bladder.  This important test provides necessary information needed to further diagnose difficult bladder and incontinence problems.  Making the correct diagnosis is the first step towards devising an appropriate treatment plan.

A correct diagnosis can often be made by performing a physical examination, obtaining a medical history, and by thoroughly reviewing the patient’s voiding diary.  If the etiology of the problem is still unclear, a formal urodynamic test may be needed.